How to Spike A Volleyball?

Are you a newbie to the volleyball world or someone who just want to improve attacking skills and looking for “how to spike a volleyball perfectly?” Look no further; in this article, you’ll learn all the nitty gritty about spiking.

In volleyball, a spike or attack is a technique employed to forcefully strike the ball over the net toward the floor on your opponent’s side in such a way that the ball isn’t returnable. Spiking is the ultimate power move and a thrilling way to show off your abilities and score a point in volleyball.

In simple words, a volleyball attack is a tactic where the players jump up and hit the ball with all their might with such an angle that the ball land on the ground on the other side of the court like a missile. It provides you with the ideal opportunity to give your opponents a dose of their own medicine. But remember, if your aim goes wrong and the opponent team manages to return your spike, it could be a game over for you, so be careful in every move. Delve into the below guide to learn how to spike a volleyball in the right way. 

Volleyball Spiking Basics – 8 Important Steps

The basics of spike hitting in volleyball remain the same for everyone, whether newbie or pro, young or aged. The journey to how to spike a volleyball can be stressful, intimidating, exciting and exhilarating, all at the same time. In this case, just take control of the court and follow the below easy steps to master the skill of attacking:

1) Position Yourself 

As per the regulations for spiking in volleyball, if you want to strike the ball over the net, you must be a front-row player. You should get an extensive knowledge about volleyball positions to understand this better. Back row players can only spike the ball from behind the 10-foot (3-meter) line. This kind of attack is notably more challenging to execute so typically utilized by  experienced volleyball players only.

In all cases, it’s better to hit the ball from the right or left side of the net with a sharp downward angle. In both right or left positions, position yourself behind the attack line (10-foot line), that is 3-4 steps away from the net. However, that distance may vary depending on the scenarios.

  1. If you take bigger steps or your legs are long, then stand a bit more back.
  2. If you’re a heighted person who can jump higher, then standing near the middle can help to hit the ball harder.
  3. Try to make a spike from the left side of the court if your right handed and vice versa.

 2) Observe the Setter

Once you’ve positioned yourself, be sure to focus on the setter. Setter will send the ball soaring in your direction with an ideal trajectory so that it lands near the net, making it simple for you to execute a powerful spike toward the opposite end of the court. Once the ball is set, get ready to start your approach.

3) Assume Your Correct Stance

Once you see the ball coming towards you, bend your knees in a way as you’re ready to take steps. If you’re left-handed, your right foot must be set back from your left foot. But if you’re right-handed, set your left foot back from the right one.

4) Take a Running Start

Now start your approach by taking some strong and quick steps toward the ball’s direction to build momentum. Take your 1st step with your left foot and then take a more powerful 2nd step with your right foot to build speed.

As you’re taking steps, also swing your arms behind you to prepare yourself for the strike. The distance of the 2nd step can vary depending on the position of the ball. Take another step using your left foot, and then lift your right foot to prepare for a jump with both feet. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees bent while keeping your focus on the ball.

5) Jump Once the Ball Falls into Position

As you approach the net, your body should be turned 30 degrees from the net with your hitting shoulder away from the net. Leap into the air using both feet and simultaneously stretch your non-hitting arm in an upward direction in front of your body while also pulling your hitting arm backward in preparation for the hit. Now quickly jump high into the air to reach the ball. The higher the jump, the more high-powered your strike will be. Ensure your arm and wrist are fully extended to hit the ball with maximum force.

6) Hit the Ball with an Open Palm

When you touch the ball with your hands, make sure to keep your fingers together and your hands open. Try to hit the ball with the palm of your hand, not your fingers. This will assist you in giving a more powerful and firm hit with control over the ball’s direction.

7) Follow Through and Land with Your Bent Knees 

After hitting the ball, don’t stop your arm motion and follow through with your hand. Make sure to bend your knees as soon as your feet touch the ground.This will assist you in maintaining balance and protect you from an ankle injury. In addition, it’s important to keep your balance to prevent yourself from tumbling into the net upon landing.

8) Suddenly Get Back Into Position  

After spiking the ball, suddenly drop back from the net and get to your ready position. This is because you must ready for action if the opponent team returns your spiking ball back toward you. Remember, always keep an eye on the ball during the whole period.

Repeat all these steps to make your spikes more convenient and natural. All the time, focus on your aim for a spot in the opponent’s court and your techniques.

Beginner-Friendly Volleyball Spiking Tips

For beginners, it can be hard to find their right position and final groove with hitting. To make the process simpler, they must try acting on the below tips while learning how to spike a volleyball.

  1. The spiking approach (spikers’ steps towards the ball) and jump are crucial for a successful hit. So try to improve your running and jumping technique.
  2. Always hit the ball with the center meat of your palm to have greater control of the ball. When you hit the ball with a closed fist, it becomes less predictable and difficult to control the ball.
  3. Always wear good footwear for moving quickly and positioning yourself for a more successful spike.
  4. To generate more power spike and control the direction of the ball, continue your arm motion and follow through with your hand even after hitting the ball.
  5. Always aim for such a spot in the opposite direction of the court that is difficult for the opponents to defend.
  6. If you’re still facing problems with your spike, seek help from your coach or an experienced player that can provide you with valuable feedback and guidance to help you improve.

The Verdict – How to Spike a Volleyball

We hope this “How to spike a volleyball” step-by-step guide has helped you improve your attacking skills. Just stick to the above mention point and practice until you master the volleyball spiking. Take a powerful approach to step into the world of volleyball and hit the ball with your full power.

Happy Learning! 🙂

2 thoughts on “How to Spike A Volleyball?”

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